How to AI-Proof Your Life as a Small Business Owner?

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 Updated: Dec 2021


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Real Estate Agents & HomePros, Join Us & AI-Proof Your Life By Building $250K to $1M Business On a 5% Pay Per Sale Basis.



To learn how to AI-proof your life on a 5% pay per sale basis, please go through the following core sections.

  • What Impact Can AI Have on Millions of Current Jobs & How Your Business Might Get Affected?
  • What Impact Can AI Powered Big Tech & Marketplaces Have on Small Businesses?
  • What Steps Can You Take to AI-Proof Your Life Fast?
  • How by Joining MaxmentPro on Facebook, You Can AI-Proof Your Life Fast by Building a $250K to $1M Business at No Upfront Cost?


What Impact Can AI Have on Current Jobs & How Your Business Might Get Effected?

Google is using AI to design micro-chips in 6 hours which would have taken months using 100's of chip designers.

McKinsey and many other research reports are predicting that by adapting currently demonstrated AI technologies, upto 50% of current jobs can be automated.

And AI is just starting out.

Here are excerpts from few AI experts and 'AI Impact on Jobs' study reports:

In a 60 Minutes interview Kai-Fu Lee, one of the world's foremost experts on artificial intelligence, claimed that by 2035, AI technology could displace about 40% of the jobs in the world.

McKinsey's 2017 report concludes that between 2040 to 2055, about 50% of existing jobs (accountants, cashiers, cooks, drivers, lawyers, , real estate agents, programmers, even most surgeons & writers) can be automated by AI, and no one knows what impact it will have on global society.

[Here is an excerpt from McKinsey report: A Future that Works: Automation, Employment, and Productivity

However, almost every occupation has partial automation potential, as a proportion of its activities could be automated. We estimate that about half of all the activities people are paid to do in the world’s workforce could potentially be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technologies.


Stowe Boyd, lead researcher at GigaOM Research, said:

The central question will be this: What are people for in a world that does not need their labor, and where only a minority are needed to guide the ‘bot-based economy?


Further, according to Ray Kurzweil (the director of engineering for Google for machine learning), by 2040, AI will have a huge impact on almost all kinds of existing jobs & businesses. Many will vanish never to come back due to AI automation.

[A PeW Research 2014 study of “experts” found that 48% “envision a future in which robots and digital agents have displaced significant numbers of both blue- and white-collar workers, with many expressing concern that this will lead to vast increases in income inequality, masses of people who are effectively unemployable, and breakdowns in the social order.”]

A 2018 report from Brookings Institute cites PeW and several other studies to conclude 38% of current jobs could be automated. Due to the potential for significant job losses, their perspective is that “Western democracies likely could resort to authoritarianism as happened in some countries during the Great Depression of the 1930s in order to keep their restive populations in check.” Brookings is hardly alone in this dim view.

What’s more, the time between now and 2025 is only the first phase of what will be a dramatic shift. A further study from PwC describes three overlapping cycles of automation that will stretch into the 2030s, each with their own degree of job impact.

It already has started happening. For example, almost all stock trading, large marketplaces and travel comparison websites are managed by AI.

Losing of jobs to new technology has happened before during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd industrial revolutions. But most jobs were replaced by jobs created by technologies. But this AI powered 4th revolution is different. Many AI experts are comparing the impact of AI on humans to the fate of worker horses due to the invention of the automobile.

In the early 20th century the future seemed bright for 700,000 worker horse employment. But within 20 years cars and tractors replaced almost all worker horses. In the same way, self-driving trucks can replace 7 millions current US truck drivers by 2030. This time—we humans—instead of horses, are being replaced by AI automation.


Immediate Toll that the Loss of Jobs Can Have On Businesses & Society Overall is Enormous.

If you want to look at what impact loss of 50% or more jobs can have on a small town and its businesses, just google 'What Happens When a Factory Town Loses Its Factory'. In it, you'll find out that most businesses in that town go bankrupt within 12 months. In most cases, each job that a plant creates, supports 5 to 7 other jobs. When plant jobs are gone, all other jobs (supported by those lost jobs) are gone as well. When jobs are gone, soon after, most other supportive businesses (car dealers, mechanics, etc)  are gone as well.

So if 50% of current jobs are automated or gone by 2040 due to AI, it means, most of 50% of currently employed people will have $0 disposable income to spend and have to depend upon the government supported Universal Basic Income (UBI) program or something like that—if any. This reduction in spending, in turn, will affect many businesses, and most small businesses won't be able to survive the coming downturn.


What Impact Can AI powered Big Tech & Marketplaces Have on Small Businesses?

In 2000, from the world's top 10 non-state owned companies by market cap listed below, only 3 were tech companies and none was from China.

  1. General Electric Company — $477B — Conglomerate — U.S.
  2. Microsoft — $238B  —  Software — U.S.
  3. Cisco — $304B — Networking hardware — U.S.
  4. Exxon Mobil — $368B — Oil & Gas — U.S.
  5. Pfizer — $263B — Healthcare — U.S.
  6. Wal-Mart Stores — $250B — 2.2M Employees — Retail — U.S.
  7. Citygroup — $250B —- Banking — U.S.
  8. Vodafone — $227B — Telecommunication — UK 
  9. Intel — $227B — Computer Chips — U.S.
  10. Royal Dutch Shell — $206B  — Oil & Gas — Netherlands


In 2020 (in only 20 years), 8 were tech companies and 2 were from China. Look at Apple market cap. Almost $2 Trillion.

  1. Apple ($1.9 trillion) —  Software — U.S.
  2. Microsoft ($1.6 trillion) —  Software — U.S.
  3. ($1.5 trillion) —  Software — U.S.
  4. Alphabet - Google ($1.1 trillion) — Software — U.S.
  5. Facebook $746B —  Software — U.S.
  6. Alibaba - $795B —  Software — China
  7. Tencent - $646B —  Software — China
  8. Berkshire Hathaway $509B —  Investment — U.S.
  9. Visa - $425B —  Merchant Payment — U.S.
  10. TSMC - $420B — Computer Chip Maker — Taiwan

Source: Wikipedia.

Many AI experts are predicting that by 2030 all top 10 companies will be AI-tech companies and all of them will be having trillion dollar plus market caps and many will surpass top 20 economies in the world.


So how do these tech companies make money?

Top seven tech companies from the above list are using marketplace advertising as their business models and are using AI to reach the target audience and make them subscribers or members. Once they have large members or audience, they market their own products or services to them or sell advertising to businesses who can afford to pay for their ads.

In most cases, they don't even share their customer list even with their own partners and lock their competitors out as Amazon, Facebook and Google are doing.


Why are large tech companies / marketplaces bad for small businesses?

Currently, many marketplaces are locking out their competitors and forcing them to go out of business. Amazon has done it to 100's of its own vendors in retail and SaaS industries. For example, whenever a product or SaaS becomes a best seller, Amazon starts selling it under its own brand and pushes it by giving it prominent place on its website thus making it almost impossible for current vendors to compete. is one of many examples.

Amazon matched price turn by turn until it surrendered. 

In the future, due to AI run ads, most small businesses won't be able to afford ever increasing marketplace ad cost——and unless they have alternate ways to get new customers—they won't be able to survive.

In addition, almost all major marketplaces (Yelp, Angie's List, Amazon, FB, Google, and even large real estate franchise companies) follow the Darwinian—or survival of the fittest— model and don't care if you survive or not. They don't have to care! Because if you fail, someone else will take your place to pay for their subscriptions or ads.


Why AI is giving a huge competitive edge to these large tech companies?

It is because due to the very high cost of computing, data, and AI talent (it can run into millions just to run one AI-model), most small businesses can't develop their own AI powered advertising & marketing systems. Without AI marketing systems, they won't be able to compete with other AI powered competitors and marketplaces—and unless they have other ways to get customers such as business group networking, referrals from existing customers, they won't be able to survive.

In short, AI will accelerate the Darwinian—or survival of the fittest— model, and only AI powered companies will be able to survive by 2030 & beyond.


So What Steps You Should Take to AI-proof your life?

  • According to Wikipedia, 47% of 18 million US millionaires are small business owners. So, try to build a $250K to $1M business or professional service that can net you $100,000+ per year. Later, you'll learn how you can do it with NO upfront cost or ad spend as part of a MaxmentPro Alliance Group (MAG) on Facebook.

  • Use the method outlined in the ProfitFirst book to save for your future first.

  • While you're building a $250K to million dollar business, by using ProfitFirst method, try to save 50% of your income and invest it to buy income producing AI proof tangible assets such as agriculture land with 20% down with no prepaid penalty on mortgage and pay it off in 5 to 7 years.

  • Once you have built a $250K to $1M business, if you can, try to sell it at 2X to 4X of net profit (which is an average selling price for a service business) and buy more tangible assets that can generate recurring income and can AI-proof your life.

  • You should try to own two types of assets as soon as possible. One is home and the other is farmland (mentioned above). Due to scarcity of available lands, both will go up in value. If you can, try to avoid commercial properties in office & retail niches.

  • For home ownership, forget about paying it off in 30 years. Instead, try to pay off in 10 years or less. Move into a smaller home so you can pay the mortgage in 10 years or less .

  • For agricultural land, try to buy 100+ acres with an average cost of about $3,000/acre in 2022. The cost range is between  $1,000/acre in Montana to $12,000/acre in New Jersey. Try to buy with cash or mortgage with no prepayment penalty.

  • You can lease/rent the land to make money. Average per acre cash rent is $138. Or you can farm yourself, if you like that kind of work. Due to the year around sunny weather, California might be the best state to buy land. The land price there (in 2022) is $9,000/acre and is being rented for $340/acres.

  • If you want to start with less than 100 acres, you can buy it via Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) such as by investing a minimum $10,000 where REIT will do everything and will share the profit with you.

  • For more info on agriculture land investing, check this link on and also read this article from on agriculture land investment via REIT.
  • For more info on home or land buying, check your local real estate agent. 

  • Before starting any of the above steps, besides reading the ProfitFirst book, also read 'The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich' book by David Bach. The book will show you how to become a millionaire fast even on a modest income.


Disclaimer: We're not affiliated with, Farmtogether, or David Bach and are not paid in any way. Do your own diligence before investing.

The core benefit of owning these two basic tangible assets listed above is that no matter how much negative impact AI may have on your business, your family, atleast, will be able to survive by having their own shelter, recurring income from farm and food security. This is one of the safest ways to AI proof your life.

The other benefit of the above steps is that your family will not be affected from an unpredictable AI future. NO ONE knows how it will turn out. So, if it turns out better (which might or might not), you can always sell your real estate assets. Either way, you'll be in complete control of your destiny and will not need to look out for government handouts which may not be sufficient to live a decent life.


How to Help Your Employees to AI-Proof Their Lives?

  • Build a $250K to million dollar business as fast as possible so your business can afford to pay above average base salary to its employees.

  • Ask them to read 'The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich' book by David Bach.

  • Treat them as real partners by pay them well so they can earn enough to AI-proof their own lives.

  • If you can, let your employees earn majority of their income from profit-sharing so more profit company will earn, more income they will earn. It will make all employees true partners which is win win for all. For more info on how to setup profit-sharing system, read The Great Game book by Jack Stack.

  • Under the HR department, setup quarterly on-job training(s) to upgrade their skill-set so they can use cutting edge technologies and can also work alongside current and coming AI powered technologies.


How to AI Proofs Your Local Community?

  • First, try to build a $250K to million dollar business as fast as possible so you can AI proof your life first.

  • After that, try to support politicians & activists like Andrew Yang, and others like him (regardless of their political affiliations) who are supporting $12K to 25K/year Universal Basic Income (UBI); and affordable (or even free) housing, free healthcare, free education, and free transportation for all supported by publicly owned AI-powered robots. For more info, read The War on Normal People book by Andrew Yang.

  • Become part of the movement where AI-robots should be public properties and should be responsible for housing, healthcare, education, food production, and transportation and all robots should be owned by the public to serve the public just like aircraft carriers and F35 fighter jets are public assets built by tax money to protect the public. This way, robots will do all the dirty (repetitive) work and we humans can be left to do creative work that will take the humanity to the next level. It's win win for all.


How to Become a Millionaire or Financially Independent Fast As a Small Business Owner?

One of the fastest ways to become a millionaire is to own a business and then become part of a business group (such as Maxment or others like it) whose sole purpose is to help EACH of its business members to build a $250K to $1M business by working together as a group.


Why Become a Part of a Business Group?

Because in Darwinian & AI environments, it is much safer to run business as part of a group than alone. In a group setting, we combine our strengths and skills in a complementary way to make the group stronger which in turn makes all its members stronger.

For example, in Japan, most businesses are part of one of 6 big keiretsus (Japanese word for business group) such as Toyota Group, Mitsubishi Group, Mitsui Group, etc. The key features of each keiretsu is that business members only do business with each other (or give preference to each other), compete as a group with other groups, share technologies and even infrastructures—and help each other to compete with much bigger competitors.

Because group members help each other to compete effectively—especially—in difficult times, that's why we rarely hear about Japanese companies going under. Keiretsu was the main reason that Japanese firms were able to compete with much larger U.S. and EU companies and eventually dominated them in all key industries—from cars to electronics. If they were working alone, they would have been crushed.

Now Korean and Chinese companies are also using the same model and dominating industry after industry.

In short, in Darwinian & AI environments, doing business as part of a group is one of the best ways to build a sustainable business.


So What Business Group Should You Join?

Although there are many business referral groups out there, but, Maxmentpro Group (MPROG) or Maxment Alliance Group (MAG) is the only business referral group that can help you to build a self-growing $250K to $1M business fast so you can AI-proof your life fast without any upfront cost. You pay 5% only when you generate any business through Maxment 3 standard and AI marketing systems.

For more info check website.  
