Terms - Biz Referral Network - Page


Revised: Nov 2021

MAG Terms, Policies & Guideline:

Note: Words 'Maxment', 'MAG', 'MaxmentPro', 'We' mean Maxment, Inc. Words like 'Maxment Member', 'MaxmentPro Member', 'MAG Member', 'You' mean you or your business entity owned by you as Business Referral Group member of Maxment, Inc.

MAG CORE TERMS (other terms / policies are listed at the end)

  1. Maintain industry average Net Promoter Score (NPS) (or customer satisfaction ratings) by delivering what you promise & customer expects. Why? Because without an industry average NPS, you won't be able to build a self-growing, sustainable business.

  2. Whenever possible—refer customers to our other local and national business members or create referral opportunities for our other local & national business members.

  3. Pay five percent (5%) of the gross business or fee whenever any referral or lead generated by Maxment's marketing systems converts or turns into a customer.


  1. Track referrals & closed deals on Google Doc: Until we have a proper tracking software, track status of all incoming and outgoing referrals or leads (with estimated dollar value if known) on a shared Google sheet template provided by us and pay Maxment marketing fee by 10th of each month for the last month's closing of any referrals or leads. You need to track referral / lead sources & closed deals from the following types of referral sources:

    1. From your own local group or network.
    2. From your national network or group.
    3. From one or more Maxment Auto Lead System(s) such as MHOMES, etc.

MAG PROGRAM (Daily / Weekly / Quarterly / Yearly) GUIDELINES:
Note: Program Guidelines are not policies, but are recommended practices that allow chapters to run more smoothly and

  1. Daily routine: Read your group purpose daily: Together as a group, we help each other to build a $250K to million dollar business. How? By maintaining high NPS; by giving & receiving referrals to each other & by reaching 20,000 Maxment homeowner subscribers (MHOMES) on a weekly basis from our local market area.

  2. Daily routine: When you're ready to give referral, announce it in the group for all to see.

  3. Daily routine: You should spend 10 minutes daily to connect with one referral partner on Facebook and few other social network sites and try to understand his or her business better. And (if you can) try to participate or take part in business related discussion and see how you can help his or her business. By this 1 to 1  approach, you'll able to connect with all 50+ members every 3 months.

  4. Daily routine (optional): You should spend 10 minutes daily to connect with one referral partner via phone (with video if possible). The goal of the call is NOT to sell but to know your referral partner at a deeper level using FORD—Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams—method. By this 1 to 1  approach, you'll able to connect with all 50+ members every 3 months.

  5. Monthly: Until your local group has 50+ members, each month, for open categories, refer 2+ new members to the group admin so the group admin can send them invitations to join the group.

  6. Quarterly: If you're a real estate agent, then, you should take the role of the group admin for 3 to 12 months. This role will make you the leader of the group. As an admin, each quarter, invite 20% of your group members to take the role of group moderators for a quarter or 3 months. You should get 20% of members to act as volunteer moderators. If you can't find enough volunteers then choose 20% of group members to take the role of group moderators to perform various group management tasks such as welcoming new members & enforcing group rules.

  7. Quarterly offline meetup: If you're a real estate agent, you (alone or with the help of other members) should arrange quarterly social gatherings, try to invite all group members.  (Note: If you can afford it that would be great, otherwise, the expense for this quarterly social gatherings can be shared among group members)

  8. Quarterly: One of your stated wildly important goals (WIG) should be to build a sustainable $250K to $1M+ business. Why? Because, although there is NO GUARANTEE, but, by getting leads and referrals from 5,000 to 20,000+ homeowners from your local area, you should be able to build a $250K to $1M and thus should be prepared mentally by having business systems in place to manage your business. Further, this way, all other local members will have intimate knowledge of your goals and may be able to help you to achieve your goals.

  9. Quarterly: One of the top reasons that most small businesses fail is because they don't have systems in place to manage their growth & implode. So to avoid that, once you have started generating $100,000 referral business a year through Maxment, you should follow the EMyth inspired 6Q10S framework (or any other EMyth inspired system such as EOS). 6Q10S is a generic framework under which you answer 6 core business questions and update 1 of 10 core business systems on a quarterly basis.

  10. Yearly: Share your purpose with all other members. Why? This way, all other local members will have intimate knowledge of your business purpose and will be in a better position to help you to achieve it.

  11. Yearly offline meetup: If you're a real estate agent, you (alone or with the help of other members) should arrange yearly social gatherings (such as Christmas, 4th of July, etc), , try to invite all group members. (Note: If you can afford it that would be great, otherwise, the expense for this yearly social gatherings can be shared among group members)



CODE OF ETHICS: Each member must also pledge to the following code of ethics on a quarterly basis:

  1. I will provide the quality of services at the prices that I have quoted.
  2. I will be truthful with the members and their referrals.
  3. I will build goodwill and trust among members and their referrals.
  4. I will take responsibility for following up on the referrals I receive.
  5. I will live up to the ethical standards of my profession.*
  6. I will display a positive and supportive attitude.

*(Professional standards outlined in a formal code of ethics, supersede the above standards.)



  1. Currently, all members belong to one of 2000 local Facebook groups and one or more national groups to give and get referrals. So after joining us, you must join recommended local and national groups.

  2. All MAG membership lists are for the purpose of ‘giving’ referrals and not for soliciting (via e-mail, direct mail, or other means) by any MAG member or Group Admin without their prior approval.

  3. You, however, are allowed to promote your business (or special deal / offer) once a month by posting in your local group.

  4. Act as a moderator: Each quarter, 20% of current membership must act as a moderator & must allocate adequate time to perform moderation or admin services for the group.

  5. To qualify to join, you must have served 10+ satisfied customers/clients or have generated $100,000 gross business since last 12 months.

  6. Within 90 days of joining us, you must be able to provide a minimum 10 positive testimonials from your existing customers.

  7. One of your stated wildly important goals (WIG) should be to build a sustainable million dollar+ business. Why? Because, although there is NO GUARANTEE, but, once MaxmentPro will have 5,000 to 20,000 homeowner subscribers from your area and will start marketing your business to them, you should be able to build a $250K to a million dollar business and thus should be prepared mentally by having business systems in place to manage your growing business.

  8. If you're a real estate agent, you must also pledge to build a million dollar+ GCI.  Why? Because as a millionaire real estate agent, you will sell more homes every month; which in turn will generate more referrals for our home pro members from your local area. In return, home pro members will refer you to more clients. It is a win-win for all.

  9. One of the top reasons that most small businesses fail is because they don't have systems in place to manage their growth & implode. So to avoid that, once you have started generating $100,000 referral business a year through Maxment, you should follow the EMyth inspired 6Q10S framework (or any other EMyth inspired system such as EOS). 6Q10S is a generic framework under which you answer 6 core business questions and update 1 of 10 core business systems on a quarterly basis.

  10. One person per business specialty category is allowed to be a member of a Maxment chapter.

  11. A member (individual) may only participate in one chapter of Maxment at a time. Members of Maxment also may not be a member of any other organization like Maxment (allowing only one person per business category and whose focus is to develop referrals for its members).

  12. The prospective member (”applicant”) acknowledges that Maxment does not endorse the capabilities of professional expertise of any of its members and that the Applicant in choosing to conduct business with or refer clients to any other member of Maxment does so at its own risk. Maxment specifically accepts no liability in relation to business conducted or standards as between any of its members.

  13. Policies are subject to change. All proposed policy changes need to be reviewed first by the Board of Advisors.

  14. Other than normal MAG printed materials, members may not use the MAG Intellectual Property (e.g. logos, trademarks, names, slogans, copyrighted materials, etc.) to manufacture, distribute, sell, market, or promote any product or service, or otherwise use the MAG Intellectual Property without obtaining the prior written consent of MAG HQ or the appropriate National Office. Members must agree to abide by the MAG Branding Standards for any permitted use.

  15. Members of Maxment who want to change their business category must be approved by the Membership Moderator (with minimum two members) or 'Group Coordinator' GC or group admin assigned by Maxment or chosen by existing group members.

  16. Members of Maxment who want to transfer their membership to another Maxment chapter or to someone from their company must be a member in good standing and a new application and application fee must be submitted. The member must be approved by the Membership Moderator of the chapter where the member is wishing to transfer.

  17. MAG is a marketing service provided by Maxment, Inc. MAG or any of its Admin reserves the right to discontinue a member’s participation in this program.

  18. Memberships in Maxment may be put on probation or forfeited by the Membership Moderator or Admin of the local group for failure to adhere to the Policies of the organization.

  19. The Membership Moderator or group Admin has authority relating to the member’s business practices or problems with other members.

  20. At this time, quarterly & yearly physical meetings are NOT REQUIRED but highly recommended.

  21. Although quarterly & yearly membership meetings are not required, but you should attend if local members are organizing one. Why? Because quarterly and yearly meetings are one of the best ways to socialize with other members and to form lifelong friendships, create bonds and to give and get support.

  22. An individual member cannot be in a second Maxment chapter nor in any other group that allows only one person per business specialty and whose primary purpose is to pass referrals to one another or support each other to build self-growing, self-managing business, because it substantially reduces their commitment to the chapter members. Membership Moderator must enforce this policy.

  23. Maxment  may establish chapters in every city or community with people interested in developing a referral-based business. In addition, Maxment reserves the right to open more than one chapter per community or city where Maxement's services are requested.

  24. Maxment membership also includes participation of our marketing materials such as testimonials, images, videos, and presentations. Member grants the company the rights and permissions to use the member’s name, company name, photo, statements, and industry information in all current and future media, in perpetuity.

  25. Maxment does not provide profession exclusivity. Members in the same profession may have unique areas of specialty such as Real Estate Agent Residential. Real Estate Agent Commercial. We believe that quality groups do include some overlaps between professions and that some of the best referrals come from members in the same profession. Although individual members may offer a broad range of services or specialty areas, each member should join under one area of specialty. Members are welcomed to communicate concerns about specialty conflict to Group Admin or Group Coordinator. Membership acceptance is ultimately the decision of Maxment Group Coordinator or Group Admin, not the individual member.

  26. In acceptance of Maxment membership the member assumes the risk of participation in meetings and events, releases the Company from all liability resulting from participation, understands the Company is not making any guarantees as to financial benefit, safety in relation with any participation, accepts that Maxment has discretion to admit members, and releases Maxment and affiliates from all liabilities.

  27. Membership requests received must be reviewed and approved by the Membership Moderator Maxment before membership begins.

  28. Territory: You will not receive an exclusive territory. You, however, will receive an exclusive membership for your core category in a local Chapter. You may face competition from other members, competitive brands, and/or from other channels of distribution.

  29. Term of Agreement and Renewal: There is no specified term length for the membership agreement. If all terms are met, agreement is auto renewed annually. There are no fixed terms for renewal or extension. Although agreement is auto renewed annually, it is not guaranteed. Maxment reserves the right to discontinue membership at renewal time or after renewal time without giving any reason.

  30. Arbitration: All disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement or the member’s participation in MAG shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the state where the applicant’s MAG Chapter or local group is located. The Arbitration shall be subject to the National Arbitration Rules of the United States to the extent such rules are not inconsistent with this article. This clause encompasses any and all disputes involving MAG, its franchisee (if any), and their officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives, as well as members, provided that the disputes pertain to membership or participation in MAG.

  31. Limitations on Liability: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, any liability to you involving MAG, its franchisee, and their officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives for any cause whatsoever arising out of or related to this Agreement and/or membership or participation in MAG, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount of the commission or marketing fee paid by you for membership in MAG. Except in jurisdictions where such provisions are restricted, in no event will there be any liability to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages. No actions hereunder may be commenced unless brought with one (1) year of accrual.