MaxmentPro Local Group for Realtors - Details - v.3

Why Join MaxmentPro Referral Group for your city?

So you can generate upto 100 referral transactions yearly from 50 members in your group by spending 10 minutes daily by using the 100-50-10 system


What is 100-50-10?

The 100-50-10 referral generating system is inspired by the 86-50-1 system which was first introduced by According to Workmansuccess, any Realtor can generate 86 referrals from his or her top 50 people (past clients or referral partners) by allocating one hour a day on relationship building.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not!

This proven strategy works to save money, leverages your brand and reputation, and packs a fun factor.

We have made it even more simple.

Instead of spending one hour a day (as recommended by 86-50-1 system) to generate 86 transactions, with 100-50-10 system, you will need to spend only 10 minutes a day to generate upto 100 referral transactions yearly.


Here what you will need to do to generate 100 referral transactions yearly.

  • Provide a great service. (It should be a 4 or 5-star service). Without great service, you won't get any referrals.

  • With the help of other group members, try to maintain group membership to 50+ so you should be able to generate 100+ referral transactions yearly.

  • Post listings of all 50+ referral partners on your website as 'trusted service providers' and review the list once a week.

  • Whenever opportunity arises, refer business to other referral partners within the group.

  • Daily: Spend 10 minutes daily on MaxmentPro group for your city & try to answer any questions that other members may ask or just try to be helpful & supportive. The more helpful you're, the more referrals you will get.

  • Weekly: Spend 10 minutes weekly to connect with one referral partner via phone (or with video call if possible). First browse through all 50 referral partners from the list and then pick one partner to call. The goal of the call is NOT to sell but to know your referral partner at a deeper level using FORD—Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams—method.  With this method, if you make one call a week, you will go through all your 50 referral partners in about a year*.

  • (Optional) Weekly: Have a weekly lunch date with one of your 50 referral partners and proactively try to know their business & life (using FORD—Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams).

  • Quarterly: Arrange quarterly social gatherings, try to invite all group members.  (Note: If you can afford it that would be great, otherwise, the expense for this quarterly social gatherings can be shared among group members)

  • Yearly: Arrange yearly social gatherings (such as Christmas, 4th of July, etc), , try to invite all group members. (Note: If you can afford it that would be great, otherwise, the expense for this yearly social gatherings can be shared among group members)


Key benefits of MaxmentPro Local Group:

  • You'll be able to generate upto 100 referral transactions yearly from 50 member group (about 2 transactions/member) by spending only 10 minutes daily on relationship building on your Maxmentpro local group*.

  • There is no other referral method that can generate upto 100 transactions yearly by spending only 10 minutes daily on social network.

  • You'll become part of a business referral group at no upfront cost. You only pay 5% when any referral generated by our network converts or closes.

  • Maxment's 'no upfront cost marketing' business model helps each local group to add 50+ biz members fast so you can start generating referral  transactions fast.

  • Each member from your local group markets the entire group of 50+ complimentary businesses whenever they do work or make a marketing call on a homeowner or business.

  • Other members act as your unpaid sales team.

  • Unlike your past clients, where they are giving you a (huge) favor, the relationship between local group members is reciprocal.  In most cases, you'll get more referrals from 50 members in your group than from your top 50 clients.

  • Due to a perpetual nature of home services work, one referral can lead to many more referrals. For example, if you refer business to a roofer, the homeowner will also need the services of many other pros, who, in turn, will refer you to more clients. A infinite positive feedback loop of referrals.

  • As a local member, you also become part of our national referral group for Realtors from 2,000 cities & will be able to get exclusive referrals from upto 2,000 Realtors.

  • You will be able to get mentorship & support from other successful Realtors & business members in your local and national groups.

*Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that you, as a real estate agent, will be able to generate 100 referral or deals yearly through the 100-50-10 system. There are many variables so your result may vary.